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Eco TRUCKTraining

Explanation of model variants; Technology; Predictive Powertrain Control; Adaptive Brake Assist 5; Eco Roll The Engine Brake Techniques – foresighted driving

Advanced TRUCKTraining

A practical course required to qualify as a TRUCKTrainer

Professional Vehicle Handover

Define what a handover is and its importance in the sales process Discuss items on the vehicles that can be demonstrated and explained statically, and those that must be explained dynamically as well (PPC & ADA) Look at which point the handover changes to Driver Training from a sales led role.

FUSO Trucks – Canter Products and its Competitors

Understand where FUSO sits within the Daimler Truck organisation Acquire an understanding of the basic electric and diesel model range including 4x4.

eActros 600 Longhaul – Step 1 Module 2 – “Get Enformed” Technology Update

This training will allow the participants get a deeper understanding of the marketing focus of the eActros 600 Longhaul Trucks.

Product Expertise eActros 600 – Get eNFORMED Technology Update

The learner can describe the marketing focuses of eActros 600. The learner can assign the e-relevant vehicle equipment to the marketing focuses. The learner can argue for the assignment made. The learner can describe the technical details of the eActros 600 The participant can name and argue for the product advantages

eActros 600 Longhaul – Step 1 Module 1 – Sales Training

The learner can explain the need for a sustainable transport approach in relation to the EU’s latest climate goals. The learner can describe the goals and understanding of sustainability at Daimler Trucks. The learner can describe the technical details of the eActros 600 Longhaul. The learner can describe the integrated solution of the eActros 600 Longhaul.

eMobility – Part 4: eTruck Technology

In this training you will get basic information about the technology of eTrucks. The programme consists of three chapters.

eMobility – Part 3: Charging infrastructure

You will receive basic information on electricity and building a charging infrastructure for eTrucks.

eMobility – Part 2: Products and Services

This training shows you the products and services developed for the construction of a climate-neutral vehicle fleet from Mercedes-Benz Trucks.